Setting the Foundation

The Tetra Golf Swing

The Golf Swing begins with first how the player moves their entire weight. The relationship between cause and effect scales from there from large to small.

The Large = Full Body Weight

The Middle = Shoulders, Hips, Knees

The Small = Head, Hands, Feet

Our goal is first to move our Full Body weight at position A to a corner. This corner is comprised of rotational movement (or a turn) of the body. This corner is also made from a lateral movement (or push/pull) of our weight.

Red Arrow = Rotational Movement

Yellow Arrow = Lateral Movement

Green/Blue Arrow = Path From*

A strong Position A creates a solid place to swing from once the downswing begins. Position B consists of the timing of the relationship between the club and the body at impact.

Yellow: Body is Early = Club is Late = Right Bias

Orange: Body = Club = Straight Bias

Red: Body is Late = Club is Early = Left Bias

The permutation of Position A and Position B place cause upon the clubpath and clubface. The combination of Position A and Position B output a probability effect at Position C. Position C is very simple. This position is comprised of which direction you push your weight on the follow through.

Red Arrow = Push to the Right = Right Bias

Orange Arrow = Push Straight = Straight Bias

Yellow Arrow = Push to the Left = Left Bias

You can control the direction of the ball flight largely by which direction you push forward!

(Pictured below: Range Tee Diagram used with students. Exchange different colors/positions from diagram above).

What videos to look for as a beginner?

“Most beginners go straight to Youtube which is great in some regard. Most golfers must first be aware of what they understand about the swing, what they don’t understand yet and what is in front of them they are watching. There are categories to this information. The BEST VIDEOS for beginners are ones what explain something in the Foundation of the Swing. This typically begins with someone explaining the grip, stance, or posture (everything that happens BEFORE you swing the club).”
